What is Cymatics?
Take a deep breath with me. Yes, go on… in… and out… It feels good, doesn’t it?! A healthy body requires discipline and focus. And it all starts with our breath – the most fundamental piece of being alive. We can surely survive without food for several weeks, as we can see by the trending
The Breath of Life Read More »
“Sound may be a great healer, but noise sure isn’t. Jets roaring overhead, music pounding through your apartment walls, your 20 year old refrigerator chugging in the kitchen, even a computer or television screen whining at a frequency you can barely hear may be causing health problems, experts say. “Noise is a hazard,” says Steven
Turning Down the Volume of Life Read More »
“Mankind has long recognized the power of sound. About 2,500 years ago, the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras developed “prescriptions” of music for his students. He told them which sounds would help them work, relax, sleep and wake up better. The Bible tells of David, the famed harp player whose music eased the madness of
A History of Harmony Read More »
Music to Your Ears, Health to Your Body “Close your eyes for a minute and listen to the world around you. What do you hear? Car horns, jackhammers and blaring stereos? Or gentle raindrops, laughing children and the soothing strings of a symphony orchestra? It may make a difference. We as Sound Therapists believe that
Music to Your Ears, Health to Your Body Read More »
listen carefully to the voice that tells me when I need to make a change. I recreate and readjust easily. I have a supportive group of friends who encourage me and help me keep on track. I handle minor frustrations without distraction. I keep up my energy easily. I honor these times of transition as
Mantras & Affirmations Read More »